
Les journées se dérouleront entre le jeudi 26 novembre matin (9h30) et le vendredi 27 novembre après-midi (16h50).

Le programme comprend des exposés sélectionnés sur soumission et des exposés invités.

Actes : SeqBio2015-Proceedings.pdf.

Nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter les exposés invités de :

  • Can Alkan, Bilkent University, Turquie :
    Discovery of large genomic inversions using pooled clone
  • Morgane Thomas-Chollier, École normale supérieure de Paris :
    Analyses of cis-regulatory elements from ChIP-seq and ChIP-exo experiments.
  • Mark Daniel Ward, Purdue University, États-Unis :
    On the Variety of Uncorrelated Shapes in Digital Trees.

Note: 25 min par contribution.

Jeudi 26 novembre 2015
09h30-09h45 Introduction
09h45-10h45 Exposé invité
Morgane Thomas-Chollier, École normale supérieure de Paris
Titre: Analyses of cis-regulatory elements from ChIP-seq and ChIP-exo experiments
10h45-11h05Pause café
11h05-12h20 3 exposés
Vincent Lacroix, Leandro Lima, Helene Lopez-Maestre, Marie-France Sagot and Blerina Sinaimeri. Assemblability in RNA-seq data: Flagging complex regions in de Bruijn graphs [slides]
Camille Marchet, Vincent Lacroix, Clara Benoit, Frank Picard, Alice Julien-Laferrière, Janice Kielbassa and Lilia Brinza. kissDE : a replicate-wise and annotation-free R package for testing the association between differential variants and experimental conditions in high throughput sequencing data [slides]
Bastien Cazaux and Eric Rivals. The Superstring Graph
12h20-12h40 Discussion
13h00-14h15Repas au CESFO
14h30-16h10 4 exposés
Matthieu Rosenfeld and Michael Rao. Avoidability of long abelian-square
Gabriele Fici, Tomasz Kociumaka, Thierry Lecroq, Arnaud Lefebvre and Elise Prieur-Gaston. Fast Computation of Abelian Runs [slides]
Andreea Radulescu, Guillaume Fertin, Géraldine Jean and Irena Rusu. MixTaR: de novo tandem repeat detection using short and long reads [slides]
Yoann Dufresne, Laurent Noé, Valerie Leclere and Maude Pupin. Smiles2Monomers: a link between atomic and monomeric structures of polymers [slides]
16h10-16h40Pause café
16h40-17h55 3 exposés
Gaetan Benoit, Claire Lemaitre, Dominique Lavenier, Erwan Drezen, Guillaume Rizk and Raluca Uricaru. Reference-free compression of high throughput sequencing data with a probabilistic de Bruijn graph
Rayan Chikhi. Faster de Bruijn graph representation using minimal perfect hashing
Antoine Limasset and Pierre Peterlongo. Read Mapping on de Bruijn graph [slides]
Vendredi 27 novembre 2015
09h00-10h00 Exposé invité
Can Alkan, Bilkent University, Turquie
Titre: Discovery of large genomic inversions using pooled clone sequencing [slides]
10h00-10h50 2 exposés
Cécile Monat, Christine Tranchant-Dubreuil and François Sabot. The pan-genome of the cultivated African rice Oryza glaberrima and its wild ancestor Oryza barthii [slides]
Bashar Al-Nuaimi, Roxane Mallouhi, Bassam Alkindy, Christophe Guyeux, Michel Salomon and Jean-François Couchot. Ancestral reconstruction and investigations of genomic recombination on Campanulides chloroplasts [slides]
10h50-11h20Pause café
11h20-12h35 3 exposés
Joong Chae Na, Hyunjoon Kim, Heejin Park, Thierry Lecroq, Martine Léonard, Laurent Mouchard and Kunsoo Park. FM-index of an alignment: A compressed index for highly similar strings [slides]
Evgenia Furletova, Mireille Regnier and Jan Holub. Minimized Compact Automaton for Clumps over Degenerate Patterns [slides]
Gilles Didier and Laurent Tichit. Complexité moyenne d’algorithmes de pattern matching et optimalité [slides]
12h35-13h00 Discussion
13h00-14h15Repas au CESFO
14h30-15h30 Exposé invité
Mark Daniel Ward, Purdue University, États-Unis
Titre: On the Variety of Uncorrelated Shapes in Digital Trees
15h30-15h50Pause café
15h50-16h40 2 exposés
Vincent Le Gallic, Alain Denise and Yann Ponty. Résultats algorithmiques pour le design d’ARN avec contraintes de séquence [slides]
Cedric Chauve, Julien Courtiel and Yann Ponty. Counting, generating and sampling tree alignments [slides]
16h40-16h50 Conclusion

Journées COMATEGE-SeqBio